Legal notice & data protection

Web design & Production

Responsive Theme

Static Theme

Christian Barkowsky Webentwicklung

Copyright & liability

The layout and design of the entire website and of its individual elements are copyright protected. The same applies to the individual articles as well as their selection and compilation. No changes may be made to them. Public use of this website is only permitted with the approval of Holzindustrie Nahmitz GmbH.

The contents of this website have been researched with the greatest care. However, neither Holzindustrie Nahmitz GmbH nor the agency that maintains this website make any guarantee for correctness of these contents. All information is provided without guarantee. Any liability for damages arising from the use of the contents is excluded by Holzindustrie Nahmitz GmbH and the agency that maintains this website. This applies in particular to websites referred to by means of hyperlinks. These websites are third-party websites whose contents cannot be influenced by Holzindustrie Nahmitz GmbH. Holzindustrie Nahmitz GmbH explicitly excludes itself from any liability for the contents of such websites.

Latest update: 09.12.2024